Spring Break at Disneyland for three full days. The canoe ride around Tom Sawyer island was a first for all of us. It was fun. We all reallly liked the new toy story shooting arcade ride/game. We did it twice even with 40 minute lines. Family Home Evening game night with games dad used as a missionary in Indonesia when we taught families about FHE. In this game a tower of flour is cut until the quarter on top falls. The person who made the fateful cut then has to push the quarter out with his/her nose. Joel, Sarah and Dad all got to push. When Will was to push out the quarter he started to cry (just like four year old Benny Sihombing did in Surabaya 33 years ago). Not to worry he was happy in time for treats. Joel's orangutan habitat for his second grade project. Background photos are from dad''s trip to orangutan territory in central Borneo.